Book a session with Gogo
- Check Gogo's calendar and find a date that suits you. Click HERE to go to Gogo's calendar.
- Once you have received your booking confirmation sms from Gogo. You have 24hrs to pay a deposit of 50% of the face to face consultations or FULL amount for online consultations. (On the day of your consultation please bring the balance of the fee in CASH)
- To secure appointment, payment to be made to the bank details below.
Make payment to follow banking details :
Account Holder : GF Mkhize
Acc no: 6260 132 7803
Bank Name: FNB
Account type : Cheque
Brach code: 250656
Branch: Sandton City
Please use your name & surname as reference
- Send proof of payment via whatsapp 0695296561 AND 0832161426
- *Once POP received = Appointment confirmation*
- A reminder will be sent to you 24hours before your actual appointment, should wish to reschedule kindly do so within 24 hrs prior and your deposit will be credited on your appointment.
- Note that should you not show up for your booking you will forfeit the deposit made.
If you are 20 minutes late for your appointment 1hr appointment please consider your appointment cancelled. Meaning you will forfeit your deposit.
(Someone could have used that time)
With Love,
Gogo Odirile ♥️